Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How to get People to Notice your Fundraiser.

Fundraising is hard work! You have a great cause and you need people to donate to you. You want to meet your fundraising goal, but how do you do it?

Everyone who wants to have a successful personal fundraiser need to learn marketing. Marketing may sound intimidating at first but it is actually very simple and easy for you to do. Here are some basic marketing tips for you to make your fundraiser a success!

If you need to start a fundraiser click here.

You need to Catch the Reader's Attention:

Your Title: The title of your fundraiser needs to point to exactly what your fundraiser is for. For example if you are raising money for a friend who has cancer make your title. "Help Ashley Beat Cancer"

This catches the readers attention with key words. "Ashley", this is someones name. By putting the persons name in the title you bring a personal relationship to your readers. "Help", this is a call to action that the reader will see as "what is my part in this tragedy". "Beat Cancer", this is the specific reason for your fundraiser. You want to raise money for medical and more specifically cancer.

Your Mission Statement: Your mission statement is extremely important for the sake of your fundraiser. It is what shows up when someone shares your page on their twitter. Limit your mission statement to one sentence. You can even repeat your title if it clearly defines your fundraiser. Remember key words are what people will pull away from your fundraiser. If you want to tell a story or write a paragraph do so in your description statement and not your mission.

Videos and Pictures: Give your fundraiser a picture or video. Let your readers know that this is a real fundraiser and you really have a genuine cause.

Share, Share, Share: If people don't know about it how will they know to donate? Share on facebook, share on twitter, and bring attention to your fundraiser. Start a blog. Sell t-shirts or wrist bands. The point is to keep people talking and thinking about it.

If you have comments share them below!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

How to Make a Donation

To make a donation or set up a recurring donation follow these easy steps.

1) Find your church or fundraiser by searching for them in the search bar. Click on their name in the list of search results or click on the Donate Now button under their name:

2) When you click on their name you will be brought to the profile page where you can click on Donate Now

3)   If you would like to make multiple donations click on "Give Another Donation for:" and enter the amount you would like to give for each individual project. 

4) To make your donation recurring click on the "Periods" drop down tab and click your preferences. 

5) Finish filling in your information on how you would like to pay for your donation. If you are giving as a guest you will be required to provide an email address so Continue to Give can send you a receipt! 

6) To complete and finalize your gift scroll to the bottom and click on "Donate Now"

If you have any questions or need assistance call 800-684-0550!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Free Upgrade Announcement!

Continue to Give now allows split donations!

Now giving multiple donations to multiple projects has never been easier! Simply add another donation for and add your amount. You can even make the entire donation recurring!

Screen Shot 2014-11-11 at 10.07.47 AM

Split donations are also available for mobile and kiosk donation avenues!

Monday, November 10, 2014

How to Use Your Text to Donate Numbers

If you don't already know your Continue to Give online giving platform comes with a free text to donate number. You can use this number for anything, print it on flyers, in the church bulletin on newsletters, etc.

But how do they work?

Here is a step by step guide to using your text to donate numbers:

1. You can find your text to donate numbers on your dashboard or on your profile page on the right hand side in the green column under "Spread the Word" and "Go Mobile"

2. Use the 10 digit number as the contact and the other number as your personal text number as shown below:

3. Once you send the text Continue to Give will respond with your link so your givers can click and give! It's that simple!

Don't forget for each profile page you create it has it's own unique Text to Donate number! That means for every project, missionary, and giving page you will have separate numbers to advertise differently!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Continue to Give teaming up with Elvanto!

Continue to Give is proud to announce the partnership with Elvanto to bring a fully integrated online giving platform with all your Elvanto accounting and church management software! 

No more exporting CSV files and setup is easy with your API key. Everything is automatically updated as people give to your general fund as well as any projects or special accounts you need to keep track of. Now you can put a smile on your bookkeepers face!

If you are interested in learning more about Elvanto and their accounting software for churches you can visit them at

If you would like to learn about how your current Elvanto software connects to your Continue to Give giving platform click here.

If you provide a service to churches and would like to integrate with Continue to Give's online giving platforms email us at with the subject "partnership"!